We Grow...

The farm produces a diverse range of crops, most of which are destined for a local mill or bakery. We also occasionally still produce a few crops for malting and these go into more specialised bulk markets. Between the cereal crops, a lot of the farm’s fields grow grass to rest them and help replenish the fertility. Other areas of the farm are managed purely to get the best environment for wildlife, where we have a particular focus on bumblebees, butterflies, day moths, and of course our Hares are such an iconic feature of the farm. These are just some of the crops we grow and a little bit about what makes each one special.

Our Crops

The crops we grow reflect the organic system practiced on the farm and all of the land that can be either ploughed or otherwise cultivated forms part of a seven-year rotation:

Year 1


Year 2


Year 3

Barley or Peas

Years 4-7

Grass & Herbs

  • 12 ha.
  • Oats
  • 12.5 ha.
  • Wheat
  • 22 ha.
  • Pastoral
  • 58 ha.



